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Examples of Patients Who Chose Ceramic Implants for Themselves

Author Dr. Samintharaj Kumar 27 March 2023 | 4 mins to read
27 March

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As a dental surgeon with a focus on implantology, I have seen a growing interest among patients in ceramic dental implants due to their holistic benefits. Ceramic implants offer numerous advantages over traditional metal implants, including biocompatibility, aesthetics, strength and durability, improved osseointegration, no conductivity, and less thermal conductivity.

In this post, I want to share some examples of patients who decided to choose ceramic implants for holistic reasons, including two patients who chose this option for a more comprehensive approach to their oral health.

Patient A - Wanted a More Natural and Biocompatible Solution

One patient who chose ceramic implants did so for a more holistic approach to their oral health. They were concerned about the use of metal in their dental implants and wanted a more biocompatible and natural solution. Ceramic implants are made from a biocompatible material, making them a safer and more natural option for patients who want to avoid metal in their dental care.

Additionally, ceramic implants have no conductivity, which reduces the risk of any negative effects on the body or surrounding tissue.

Patient B - Seeking a More Holistic and Integrated Approach to Oral Health

Another patient who chose ceramic implants did so for a more holistic and integrated approach to their oral health. They were interested in the concept of dental acupuncture and believed that traditional metal implants would disrupt their energy flow and potentially interfere with their body's natural healing mechanisms.

Ceramic implants, on the other hand, are biocompatible and offer a more holistic solution for patients seeking a more comprehensive approach to their oral health.

Patient C - Wanted a More Natural and Aesthetically Pleasing Solution

A third patient who chose ceramic implants did so for aesthetic reasons. They wanted a more natural-looking solution that blended seamlessly with their natural teeth and offered a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Ceramic implants are tooth-coloured, making them an excellent option for patients concerned about the appearance of their dental implants. The natural-looking colour of ceramic implants allowed them to achieve the natural-looking smile they desired.

Patient D - Seeking a More Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Solution

Finally, a fourth patient who chose ceramic implants did so for environmental reasons. They were concerned about the environmental impact of traditional metal implants and wanted a more sustainable and eco-friendly solution. Ceramic implants are made from biocompatible and eco-friendly materials, making them a more sustainable option for patients who want to minimise their environmental impact.

In conclusion, ceramic dental implants offer numerous advantages over traditional metal implants, making them an excellent option for patients who are seeking a more holistic and comprehensive approach to their oral health. Patients who have chosen ceramic implants have done so for a variety of reasons, including a desire for a more natural and biocompatible solution, a more holistic and integrated approach to oral health, a need for a more aesthetically pleasing result, and environmental concerns.

As a dental surgeon with a focus on implantology, I recommend ceramic implants to patients who are looking for a reliable, safe, and holistic solution for their dental needs.

Contact me today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of ceramic dental implants.

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