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Root Canal Treatment1

Safe Root Canal Treatment

Safety is our peak priority here at Nuffield Dental. This applies to all our procedures, including root canal treatment procedures ways.


When you undergo root canal therapy or other endodontic procedures, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the infected tooth is cleaned from the deep decay, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. 


You need a root canal treatment when you start experiencing tooth decay or toothaches. 


Endodontic procedures can be a high-risk procedure if strict infection control and disposal procedures are not followed strictly enough. Here, we have listed some of the safety protocol we practise at Nuffield Dental to ensure cleanliness and safety during your root canal procedures. 

Pinhole gum rejuvenation

Single-Use Shaping Files and Irrigation Needles

With the use of single-use shaping files, there is high infection control,  a smaller chance of files breaking inside the tooth. This practice also means the root canal surgery can be accomplished within a shorter duration as the files are not blunt. 

We also use side venting irrigation needles which are also single use, this helps to prevent irrigation solution entering tissue spaces.

This prevents irrigation solution and materials from being swallowed and inhaled. It also prevents saliva from contaminating the root canals, resulting in higher root canal success rates.

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The Use of Rubber Dam

Proper isolation is an essential prerequisite for successful endodontic treatment. Our dentist or endodontist provider uses a rubber dam to secure the area of surgery. 

A rubber dam, also referred to as a "dental dam", is a latex sheet that the treated tooth sticks to. The dam serves as a tooth "isolation," that acts as a partition of the treated tooth from the wet environment of your mouth.

We use equipment such as the NSK Apex Locator, NSK Rotary Handpiece and VDW (Germany) Reciprocal Machine. The use of these materials, known to be effective, help to enhance project the success rate of treatment for our patients.

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