When Was the Last Time You Had a Full Dental Check-Up?
Benefits of a full dental checkup
- Gives you a comprehensive understanding of your current oral health
- Make informed decisions on your treatment
- Save money as check-ups detect early disease that is easier and cheaper to treat than
advanced disease
What does a full Dental Check-up involve?
- An interview to understand your concerns and past treatment history.
- A visual examination
- Radiographic examination (X-rays)
What sort of X-rays are taken?
1. Full mouth X-ray
Gives an overall picture of your dental condition.
It can reveal conditions e.g.
- Past dental work done such as root canal treated teeth
- Hidden or buried teeth such as wisdom teeth
- Any infection on the roots of the teeth
- Overall development of the teeth
2. Intra-Oral X-rays
It can reveal:
- hidden decay in between teeth and under old fillings or crowns.
- the condition of old fillings & crowns.
Did you know that…
- X-rays take only a few minutes to do
- Results can be viewed immediately.
- Our X-rays are digital so they can be e-mailed to you at your request
Are X-rays safe?
The Singapore Dental Health Foundation states that X-rays are useful diagnostic tools for detecting cavities in
teeth, and checking for bone and gum disorders. Dental X-rays solely need a low level of radiation exposure.
To protect the patient, lead apron is used.
For pregnant women X-rays are solely taken when needed for treatment.
*Note that use of lead apron and will offer protection against radiation exposure. X-rays can still be taken for breastfeeding mothers and women trying to get pregnant.
Note: If an X-ray examination is not done, there is the real risk that some conditions will not be discovered which can put your health at risk. A healthy body is reflected in a healthy mouth. Early detection of any abnormality in the oral cavity may save lives. Every tooth and its surrounding gums are checked and its condition recorded for future reference.