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Tooth Mousse: Calcium Cream to Prevent Decay & Tooth Sensitivity


What is Tooth Mousse?

Tooth Mousse is a cream containing calcium (Recaldent or CPP-ACP). It is derived from a completely safe, milk protein.

Tooth Mousse can be used daily at home to…

  • help reverse early decay
  • prevent further tooth decay.
  • strengthen and make the tooth healthy
  • help make the saliva healthy
  • treat sensitivity

Tooth Mousse can also be used by people who have dry mouth or poor saliva. 

Saliva has many functions. Saliva helps to:

  • clean the mouth
  • buffer acid
  • protect against demineralisation
  • promote remineralisation
  • lubricate the mouth

Insufficient or poor quality saliva may lead to:

  • increased wear of teeth
  • increased Erosion
  • increased Sensitivity
  • increased Tooth decay

If you suffer from any of the above, Tooth Mousse may help you, and not just with tooth sensitivity. Tooth Mousse is now available at Nuffield Dental. 

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. At Nuffield, we put you first. We believe in providing personalised service for each patient.

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Nuffield Dental is a one-stop, multi-disciplinary dental care centre. Here at Nuffield Dental, we pride ourselves of our personalised oral care for each and every one of our patients. We need to make sure you get all the help you need to make your dental procedures comfortable, accessible and seamless.


Our dentists have been accredited in general dentistry for 20+ years. We have accredited dental providers who are skilled in the area of dental implant surgery.

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